Flea, Tick, and Heartworm Protection
Year-Round Protection: Keep your dog on preventative medication all year, even in the winter, as heartworm can develop when temperatures are above 57°F (14°C)
Ticks: Even in urban parks like Tompkins Square Park, Battery Park, and Prospect Park, ticks can be present, and can cause diseases such as Lyme!
Fleas: Fleas can be everywhere and spread easily, and also spread tapeworm!
Intestinal Parasites: Parasites can be transmitted from other dogs and water sources. Giardia is common from shared water bowls in summer.
Water Play
Dry your dog thoroughly after water play to prevent ear infections, hot spots, and matted fur.
Food Scraps and Outdoor Hazards
With more people outdoors, dogs are more likely to pick up harmful food scraps, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, pancreatitis, and other health issues.
Keep an eye on your dog to prevent them from eating toxic items or foreign objects.
Heat Exhaustion/Stroke
Prone Breeds: Flat-nosed breeds (like Frenchies, English Bulldogs, Pugs), overweight dogs, and breeds suited for colder climates (Huskies, etc.) are more susceptible.
Walking Tips: Walk your dog in the early morning or late at night. Keep walks short and provide plenty of water. Seek shade or air conditioning quickly.
Coat Care: Keep your dog’s coat short if suitable for the breed. Do not shave double-coated breeds.
Pavement Check: If the pavement is too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws. Consider using dog boots for protection.
Traveling with Your Dog
Car Sickness: Many dogs travel in summer and may experience car sickness. Medications can help keep your pup calm.
Flight Prep: Check with airlines for specific requirements. Most require a Certificate of Health or Veterinary Inspection and proof of Rabies vaccination.
State Regulations: Many states have their own health requirements for traveling pets.
Hawaii and International Travel: Places like Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and international destinations have strict procedures and need advance planning.
For more detailed information on pet travel, visit the APHIS Pet Travel.
Summer Awareness of Your Dog
As the weather heats up and you start planning trips for your dog, here are some essential tips to keep your furry friend safe and healthy throughout the season.